Virgin Islands Primary Care Office
The goal of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Primary Care Office Cooperative Agreement Program is to assure the availability of quality health care to low income, uninsured, isolated, vulnerable, and special needs populations and to meet these populations’ unique health care needs. The Virgin Islands Primary Care Office accomplishes this through the following:
- Fostering collaboration across and within various levels of government, communities, and non-profit organizations.
- Coordinating shortage designation by measuring access to healthcare providers (primary care, mental health and dental) and assessing underservice through the use of data, verification and analysis.
- Identifying communities with the greatest unmet health care needs, disparities, and health workforce shortages; identifying the key barriers to access to health care for these communities; and working toward solutions.
- Supporting and enhancing the primary care workforce in the U.S. Virgin Islands through the Bureau of Health Workforce recruitment and retention programs.
- Providing technical assistance to primary care providers, behavioral health providers, dentists, and healthcare entities with the goal of expanding access to care.
U.S. Virgin Islands Conrad 30 Program
Federal Law requires International Medical Graduates (IMGs) who are not U.S. citizens to apply for the J-1 visa, which allows IMGs to remain in the U.S. until they complete their studies. Following their studies, the IMGs on J-1 visas (the “J-1 Physicians”) must return to their home country for at least two (2) years before they can return to the U.S. (the “two-year home country physical presence requirement”). The U.S. Virgin Islands Conrad 30 Waiver Program agrees to waive the “two-year home country physical presence requirement” by sponsoring J-1 Physicians who agree to serve in designated shortage areas of the Territory.
All applications must be submitted by an attorney.
Please see the list of required documents below.
- Completed checklist
- State Health Cover Letter (Support document(s) if necessary)
- Letter from Employer
- HPSA/MUA Evidence documents Employment Contract
- DS-2019’s/I-94
- Curriculum Vitae
- Exchange Visitor Attestation/Foreign Medical Graduate
- Statement Form G-28/Letter of Representation
- DS-3035 and Supplementary Applicant Information Pages Statement of Reason
- Third Party Barcode Page
- Waiver Division Barcode Page
Contact the Primary Care Office for information regarding the submission of your application.
U.S. Virgin Islands Physician and Dentist Profile 2020
This report was completed utilizing data collected by the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) Primary Care Office (PCO) in 2020. The data was collected using the USVI PCO Dentist Workforce Survey and the USVI PCO Physician Workforce Survey in partnership with the Office of Professional Licensure. Analysis was conducted by the University of Albany School of Public Health.
In line with Healthy People 2030 objectives outlined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, this report aims to accelerate the development of an oral and craniofacial health surveillance system (OHSS) in the U.S. Virgin Islands to facilitate the development of effective, targeted public health interventions and policies for Virgin Islanders with the greatest oral health needs.
National Health Service Corps Site Certification
National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment Program
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
Nurse Corps Loan Repayment Program
Learn the Difference between Primary Care, Urgent Care, and Emergency Care
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