The Division of Chronic Disease and Prevention aims to provide information and resources to make it easier for people to make healthy choices. Chronic diseases are generally conditions that last 1 year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living or both. Most chronic diseases can be prevented by eating well, being physically active, avoiding tobacco and excessive drinking, and getting regular health screenings.
National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey
The Department of Health was a recipient of a federal Sexual Violence Prevention and Education grant. In 2005 and 2006 the Virgin Islands included the Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault Optional Modules on the BRFSS Questionnaire.
Central Cancer Registry
In 1999, territorial law established the Virgin Islands Central Cancer Registry to collect and analyze data on incident cases diagnosed in the USVI Territory. Data shall be collected through active reporting from hospitals, ambulatory surgery centers, free-standing cancer treatment centers, pathology laboratories, nursing homes and, physicians shall report their cases to the Virgin Islands Central Cancer Registry. All other states in the U.S. have similar cancer registries.
Diabetes Prevention and Control Program
The Virgin Islands Diabetes Prevention and Control Program (VIDPCP) works to reduce the burden of disease among U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI) residents through influencing systems changes and coordination among many stakeholders and partners in the Virgin Islands. The VIDPCP strives to implement public health prevention and control strategies that will improve the quality of diabetes care and education for all Virgin Islanders as well as increase the awareness of diabetes, its symptoms, its complications and its risk factors through a broad range of public health activities.
Diabetes Prevention and Control Resources
Virgin Islands Smoke Free Act
Effective February 10, 2011, the Virgin Islands Smoke-Free Act prohibits smoking in virtually all workplaces, including restaurants and bars. The law reflects the commitment of many in ensuring that workers and the public are protected from secondhand smoke.
Tobacco Use
Talk with Your Teen About E-cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents
United States Virgin Islands Walkability Institute
The 2017 USVI Walkability Institute is made possible through a partnership with TEPHINET, a program of The Task Force for Global Health (TFGH), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the USVI Department of Health (USVIDOH). Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of The Task Force for Global Health, Inc., TEPHINET, or the CDC.