The Department of Health has partnered with several clinics and labs to provide Zika virus testing at no cost to patients. Pregnant women and people who develop symptoms of Zika virus (fever, rash, joint pain, red eyes) should see their healthcare provider to discuss their risk for Zika and their testing and care options. You can get a free Zika test at the following locations. Those in bold provide testing to their patients only:
St. Croix
- Acute Alternative Medical Group
340-772-2883 - Beeston Hill Clinical Lab
340-773-4990 - Clinical Laboratory, Inc. (Sunny Isle Medical Center)
340-778-5369 - Department of Health, Charles Harwood Complex (Old Hospital)
340-718-1311 ext. 3827 - Frederiksted Health Care, Inc (Frederiksted location)
340-772-0260 - Frederiksted Health Care, Inc (Northshore location)
340-772-0260 - Frederiksted Health Care, Inc (Sion Farm location)
340-772-0260 - Hercare (Sunny Isle Medical Center)
340-692-2510 - Primary Care St. Croix, PLLC
340-718-7788 - Primary Care GYN, PLLC
St. Thomas
- Ambulatory Care Clinic
340-777-6423 - Center for Integrative Medicine
340-776-4325 - Carolyn Jones Family Medicine
340-774-2331 - Community Medical Laboratory
340-776-7444 - Cranston/Dottin Biomedical Laboratory
340-774-6256 - Doctors Clinical Laboratory
340-774-2760 - Havensight Medical Laboratory
340-774-5515 - Dr. Livingston Family Medicine
340-715-0234 - Red Hook Family Practice
340-775-2303 - Schneider Regional Medical Center Laboratory
340-774-9000 - St. Thomas East End Medical Center (Tutu Mall)
340-775-3700 - YHC Family Practice
St. John
- Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center
340-693-8900 - Cruz Bay Family Practice
Facilities not listed above that want to participle in the testing program and be reimbursed for their services should contact the Department of Health Public Health Emergency Preparedness Division at (340) 626-3111.