Government of the Virgin Islands
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Behavioral Health, Alcoholism, and Drug Dependency


Behavioral Health, Alcoholism, and Drug Dependency Services

FFY 2017 Annual Synar Report (42 U.S.C. 300x-26)

Managing Stress Following a Job Loss

The Department of Health’s Division of Behavioral Health, Alcoholism and Drug Dependency Services is providing information on how families reduce stress in times of job loss. Use the links below to learn simple steps for you and your family to manage stress in trying times.

Coping with Stress After a Disaster or Traumatic Event

Stress, anxiety, and depression are common reactions after a disaster or other traumatic event.

Disaster Distress Helpline: If you or someone you know has been affected by a disaster and needs immediate assistance, please call or text for information, support, and counseling. You will be connected to the nearest crisis center. It’s Free. It’s Confidential.

Call toll-free 800-985-5990

Text TalkWithUs to 66746

TTY for Deaf/Hearing Impaired: 800-846-8517

National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK


722 Form


Governors Transmittal Letter on Action Taken on Regular Session-bills 12.28.18-1.6.19