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St. Croix, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Department of Health, this evening, lifted Hotel on the Cay’s Cease-and-Desist Order following negative test results for legionella. “Based on negative laboratory results in all but one sample, the hotel is permitted to resume hotel operations except for one room which is still
The VI Board of Medical Examiners and the VI Board of Optometrical Examiners will hold a quarterly board meeting on Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022 at 7:30 a.m. via Zoom. To join please log onto: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86073994150?pwd=RUR5ZWViYnd5QXR5eGVyVDErWFVtZz09 Meeting ID: 860 7399 4150 Passcode: 312544 You can also join by phone by calling
US Virgin Islands —The VI Department of Health (VIDOH) reports the latest COVID-19 active case numbers to be: 44 cases Territorial-wide, 38 on St. Croix, 5 on St. Thomas and 1 case on St. John. There are no hospitalized COVID-19 cases at either Juan F. Luis Hospital on St. Croix
St. Croix, US Virgin Islands — After further investigating cause of death and ensuring notification of next of kin, the Virgin Islands Department of Health (VIDOH) is saddened to confirm the territory’s one hundred and twenty-fourth (124th) death related to COVID-19. The deceased is a 58-year-old male on St. Thomas.
US Virgin Islands — The VI Department of Health (VIDOH) announces temporary schedule changes for the St. Thomas/St. John district Division of Environmental Health and Vital Records & Statistics for process improvement implementation. Please note the divisions located in the Knud Hansen Complex, will be closed Wednesday, October 26, 2022,
US Virgin Islands — Commissioner of Health Justa Encarnacion is please to advise the public that the V.I. Department of Health (VIDOH) has replenished its supply of COVID-19 Gift Incentive Cards and will be distributing them based on the contact information clients provided when vaccines were received earlier this year.
US Virgin Islands — The VI Department of Health (VIDOH) joins in the October observance of National Trigeminal Neuralgia Awareness Month and more specifically October 7th, National Trigeminal Neuralgia Day. Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), also known as tic douloureaux or fothergill’s disease is a rare neurological disorder of the trigeminal nerves
US Virgin Islands – Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure (VIBNL) is pleased to announce that as of today, September 30, 2022, the Board has started accepting 2023-2024 renewal applications for all Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN), and Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA). The deadline for renewal applications is December 1, 2022.
The Department of Health conducted a Groundbreaking Ceremony for the new Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Program building on St. Thomas on Tuesday, September 28th . The new 5,200 square foot, state-of-the-art structure will serve as a centralized, service location for the more than 3,000 participants of the WIC Program
US Virgin Islands — Commissioner of Health Justa Encarnacion advised the public that all Department of Health clinics and administrative offices across the Territory will be closed for business on Monday, September 19, 2022 so that VIDOH staff can conduct assessments of all departmental properties. Pending the findings from the
St. Croix, US Virgin Islands — After further investigating cause of death and ensuring notification of next of kin, the Virgin Islands Department of Health is saddened to confirm the territory’s one hundred and twenty-third (123rd) death related to COVID-19. The deceased is a 68-year-old female on St. Thomas. The