Program Changes to Accommodate COVID-19 Physical Distance Project Based Learning.
USVI-June 29, 2020- Commissioner Gary Molloy announces the official kick-off of the VI Department of Labor’s (VIDOL) 2020 Summer Labor Investing For Tomorrow’s Program (LIFT), that will take place July 1-August 28, 2020. All the candidates that applied for the 2020 LIFT program were selected. The application process remained the same with the required essay, eligible applicants must be in their 3rd or 4th year of college, and have a Grade Point Average (GPA) no lower than a 2.8. During the COVID-19 State of Emergency, VIDOL was able to make some creative changes to secure the viability of the program. This year’s program will feature a virtual project-based and/or role specific structure that would include learning outcomes that expose interns to self-directed and prescribed career skills.
“These changes could not come at a better time. As the Department uses the national data to streamline the science of employment training for our youth, we see that the demand for these skills in telework and virtual service is increasing. This program will give an intensive outlook on the skill requirements that are emerging and evolving. Our youth now have an opportunity to be a part of a robust program that prepares them for the future in a way that has never been seen before,” stated Commissioner Gary Molloy.
Key changes in workforce data indicate that “there are 53 million freelancers in America today. By 2020, 50% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancers.”
The skills needed for the future workforce such as Time Management, Project Management, Problem Solving Data Gathering & Business Analysis, Influencing/Selling, and Communication Skills.
Some character traits include being a Self-starter, Self-driven; Motivated, Change Agile, Flexible, Good Networkers.
The LIFT Business Challenge Project Key Goals:
- Interns are introduced to future demands in job specification that the experience will closely align to.
- Interns receive a meaningful project that helps develop the skills that will be needed for today’s workforce.
- Reporting and receiving regular feedback to support the intern’s growth and development.
- Engage in a virtual environment that represents a cutting edge use of technology that gives a competive edge to LIFT Interns