Government of the Virgin Islands
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VIDOH Celebrates National Public Health Week

US Virgin Islands — During the week of April 4th through 10th the Virgin Islands Department
of Health (VIDOH) will celebrate National Public Health Week throughout the Territory. During
this special week Commissioner Justa Encarnacion invites Virgin Islanders to be part of the
annual celebration as the Department recognizes the many achievements our public health
professionals have accomplished over the past year.

“This year’s national theme truly says it all,” stated Encarnacion, “Public Health is Where You
Are.” The theme, selected by the American Public Health Association (APHA), means to draw
the public’s attention to the impact one’s physical location has on their personal health. As the
APHA indicates, it’s important to recognize that ‘The places where we are, physically, mentally
and societally, affect our health and our lives.’

“For this reason,” said Encarnacion, “Its critical to acknowledge the important role our Virgin
Islands public health team plays in the overall health and wellbeing of the territory. These professionals are the ones who work proactively to identify and eliminate possible threats to our individual and public health.”

“The combined efforts of the DOH’s 26 Divisions serve as a powerful safety net for all Virgin Islanders,” continued Commissioner Encarnacion, “I am so proud of the work this outstanding group of health professionals achieves each day. I ask the public to join me in recognizing their herculean efforts by wishing the DOH team a Happy National Public Health Week.”