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VI Department of Health Reschedules its St. John Townhall Meeting to Friday, August 2nd

St. John, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Virgin Islands Department of Health has rescheduled its St. John Townhall Meeting from Thursday, August 1, to Friday, August 2, at the St. John Legislature Building in Cruz Bay.

The townhall meeting will be held from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to provide the community with an update on the redesign and rebuild of the Morris F. DeCastro Clinic. The meeting will feature a presentation from the VI Department of Health as well as Springline Architects Inc., the firm hired to design the new DeCastro Clinic.

For those unable to attend in person, the townhall will be streamed live on the VI Department of Health’s Facebook page at and residents are encouraged to post feedback and questions in the chat section. The townhall will also air live on the Government Access Channel 27.

VI Health Commissioner Justa Encarnacion previously stated that the VI Department of Health has been “working towards securing the funding and permits necessary to rebuild the Morris DeCastro Clinic and collaborating with the architect to ensure that the new facility aligns as closely as possible with the needs of the St. John community and that, aesthetically, it fits within the existing townscape of Cruz Bay.”

The commissioner also noted that the department is “now in a good position to update the St. John community on our progress.”

The St. John Townhall is part of the department’s Conversations with Community series to engage and inform residents about its ongoing disaster recovery projects. The Department of Health invites residents to share their thoughts and ideas, and to provide their feedback on the redesign and rebuild of the DeCastro Clinic.

For more information about the VI Department of Health recovery projects, visit .