REVISED 10/31/2017-Immunization Insulin Distribution date change
For Immediate Release:
Contact: Nykole Tyson Mobile#: 340-626-6290
DOH’s Schedule of Services -October 30th – November 3rd
1. Mental Health
St. Croix:
Mondays and Wednesdays counseling is being provided at the St. Croix Educational Complex, 12pm-4pm.
Monday-Friday (10am-3pm) appointments can be scheduled for family, individual and child counseling at either the Charles Harwood Complex in Christiansted or the DOH’s Mental Health Clinic housed in the Frederiksted Health Center.
Mondays and Wednesdays clients can receive their monthly injections at the Frederiksted clinic
Tuesday and Thursday clients can receive their monthly injections at the Charles Harwood Complex in Christiansted.
St. Thomas: Monday-Friday, counseling and monthly injections will be provided at Catholic Charities, Bethlehem Shelter, 9am-2pm
St. John: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, counseling and monthly injections will be provided at the Morris De Castro Clinic, 10am-1pm.
2. Maternal & Child Health Clinic NO appointments necessary-walk-ins only
St. Croix:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday (10am-3pm): Prenatal visits and New Born Hearing Screening @ Charles Harwood Complex
Monday-Friday (10am-2pm): Distribution of Infant & Toddler Kits @ Charles Harwood Complex
St. Thomas
Monday-Friday (8am-4pm) Distributing Infant & Toddler Kits @ Elaine Co Building across from Nisky Center.
Monday-Friday (8am-4pm) Prenatal visits and New Born Hearing Screening @ Elaine Co Building.
3. Communicable Disease– $10-$15 gas/food coupons for 1st time testers
St. Croix: Thursday (9am-4pm): Clinical services and HIV/STD testing will be provided @ Charles Harwood Complex.
St. Thomas/St. John: Monday-Friday (8am-4pm) clinical services and HIV/STD testing will be provided at the Knud Hansen Complex.
4. WIC NO appointments necessary-walk-ins only
St. Croix: Monday-Friday (10am-3pm): WIC clients can redeem their September and October checks at their respective clinics (Christiansted/Frederiksted). September checks have been extended and are valid until October 31st.
St. Thomas: Monday-Friday (8am-3pm): WIC clients can retrieve their WIC checks from their respective clinics (Tutu Park Mall or Schneider Regional Medical Center).
St. John: WIC clients can obtain their checks from the Morris De Castro Clinic, during non-curfew hours.
5. Community Health NO appointments necessary-walk-ins only
St. Croix: Monday-Friday patients will be seen @ Charles Harwood Complex, 10am-3pm. Food Handlers Card services will be available from 10am-3pm.
St. Thomas: Monday-Friday clinical services will be provided @ the Roy Lester Schneider Medical Center from 8am-3pm.
6. Vital Statistics (Birth Certificates, death certificates)
St. Croix: Charles Harwood Complex, 9:30am – 2:00pm
St. Thomas Knud Hansen Complex 10:00am – 2:00pm
St. John Morris DeCastro Clinic 8:30am-3:00pm
7. Immunization: NO appointments necessary-walk-ins only
St. Croix: Tuesday and Thursday Tetanus and Flu shots will be available.
Thursday, FREE Insulin will be distributed; FREE Tetanus and Flu Shots will be available @ Juan F. Luis Hospital, 10am-3pm.
St. Thomas: Wednesday & Thursday, vaccinations will be available @ Roy L. Schneider Medical Center, 8am-1pm.
St. John: Immunizations will be provided once a month beginning Thursday, November 2nd.
8. Family Planning Clinic (FPC) NO appointments necessary-walk-ins only
St. Croix: Monday-Friday: FPC will provide clinical exams and supplies 9am-4pm @ Charles Harwood Complex
St. Thomas: Monday-Friday clinical services at the Elaine Co Building across from Nisky Center
9. VI Partners for Healthy Families NO appointments necessary-walk-ins only
St. Croix: Monday-Friday 9am-3pm