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DOH Recovery Response Update #1 WIC Checks, Mental Health Clients, Clinic Openings

WIC Check Distribution 
The Department of Health’s (DOH) St. Thomas WIC clients, who need to retrieve their WIC checks, are asked to go to their respective clinics – Tutu Park Mall (11:00am- 3:30pm) or Schneider Regional Medical Center, during non-curfew hours, Monday thru Friday. For more information call 340-774-7477 ext. 5614.




September 16, 2017

DOH Recovery Response Update #1
WIC Checks, Mental Health Clients, Clinic Openings
(September 16, 2017, U.S. Virgin Islands) 

WIC Check Distribution 
The Department of Health’s (DOH) St. Thomas WIC clients, who need to retrieve their WIC checks, are asked to go to their respective clinics – Tutu Park Mall (11:00am- 3:30pm) or Schneider Regional Medical Center, during non-curfew hours, Monday thru Friday. For more information call 340-774-7477 ext. 5614.

Mental Health Clients
Clients of the Mental Health division, who receive monthly injections, are asked to go to Catholic Charities’ Bethlehem House located at Hospital Ground, on Tuesday, September 19th and Wednesday, September 20th, from 10:00am-3:00pm. 

DOH Clinic Openings 
(1) The Prenatal Clinic is open and now located at the Elaine Co/Maternal Child Health Building at Nisky Center. (2) The Family Planning Clinic and the (3) Maternal & Child Health Clinic are also open at the same location. No appointments are necessary-walk-ins only!

Additionally, the DOH’s (4) Community Health Clinic and (5) Communicable Disease Clinic are open at the Knud Hansen Complex. All clinical services will be provided during non-curfew hours, Monday thru Friday. NO appointments necessary-walk-ins only. The DOH will be making use of the mobile medical van and will be updating the community when and where it’s in use.

For more information, go to, or call us at 340-774-7477 ext. 5614. 
