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DOH Provides Limited Supply of Insulin to Uninsured/Under Insured


Contact: Nykole Tyson Mobile#: 340-626-6290

DOH Provides Limited Supply of Insulin to Uninsured and Under-Insured

(October 12, 2017, U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI)) The USVI Department of Health (DOH) received donations consisting of insulin. The DOH will be distributing a limited supply of insulin to the uninsured and under-insured on St. Croix on today, Thursday, October 12, 2017-for one day only. The DOH’s St. Croix Immunization Program will distribute insulin from the mobile medical-10:00am-3:00pm or until supplies last-at the Charles Harwood Complex in Christiansted. Patients are asked to bring their medicine bottle or prescription and a picture form of identification. The types of insulin that will be offered include: Humulin 70/30, Regular and NPH, and Humolog.

Those who are uninsured and/or under-insured and in need of insulin on St. Thomas can visit the Maternal & Child Health clinic on the 2nd floor of the Elaine Co Building; there is a limited supply of long (insulin that lasts for 24hours) and short acting insulin (taken with each meal and last for a few hours).


              7 Important Storage Tips for ALL Insulin

  1. Do not keep in hot places. Do not leave insulin in a hot closed car. Heat makes insulin break down and will not work well to lower your blood sugar.
  2. Do not keep in freezing places. Never store in a freezer. If insulin is frozen, do not use.  You will not be able to inject the insulin if it is frozen. Do not use even after thawing. Freezing temperature will break down the insulin and then it will not work well to lower your blood sugar.  Throw frozen insulin in the garbage.
  3. Do not leave in sunlight.  Light can make insulin break down and then it will not work well to lower your blood sugar.
  4. Never use insulin if expired. The expiration date will be stamped on the vial or pen. Remember if the insulin is not stored in the fridge, the date on the vial or pen does not apply.  You must throw away after 28 days of insulin not being stored in refrigerator.
  5. Write the date on the insulin vial of the day you opened it or started storing it outside of the refrigerator.  This will help you to remember when to stop using it.
  6. Inspect your insulin before each use.  Look for changes in color or clarity. Look for clumps, solid white particles or crystals in the bottle or pen.  Insulin that is clear should always be clear and never look cloudy.
