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Department of Health Immunization Outreach Calendar 2020-2021 Influenza Season

St. Croix, US Virgin Islands (September 23, 2020) Over the next few months the Department of Health will be offering Influenza vaccines to all adult residents throughout the Territory.


Anyone wishing to receive the Influenza vaccine must bring their Immunization Card with them as well as one of the following items: Insurance card/information, Medicaid Card, or Medicare Card. Persons without any insurance coverage are welcome.


Each event will be conducted between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.


2020-2021 Influenza Season Schedule

St. Croix

October: Thursday

8th        UVI

15th      Flamboyant Gardens

22nd        Housing (Joseph E. James Terrance)

29th      FEMA


November: Thursday

5th        UVI

19th         Pueblo Golden Rock

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December: Thursday

3rd        Ag Fair Grounds

10th      Mass Vaccination  – Location to be announced

17th      Mass Vaccination  – Location to be announced


January: Thursday

14th      Mass Vaccination  – Location to be announced

21st         Plaza West

28th         UVI


February: Thursday

11th      Housing (Whim Gardens)

25th      Ag Fair Grounds


March: Thursday

4th        Housing (Louis E. Brown)

18th      UVI Health Fair


April: Thursday

15th         Mass Vaccination – Location to be announced

22nd     Pueblo LaReine




 2020-2021 Influenza Season Schedule

St. Thomas

October: Friday

9th        SRMC Lobby

16th         Havensight Mall

23rd         Tutu Park Mall

30th      FEMA


November: Friday

6th            Havensight Mall

13th         Tutu Park Mall

20th      SRMC Lobby


December: Friday

4th        Moe’s Fresh Market

11th      SRMC Lobby

18th      Tutu Park Mall




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January: Friday

15th      Tutu Park Mall

22nd     UVI

29th      Kmart Lockhart Garden


February: Friday

5th        Mass Vaccination  – Location to be announced                                                                                                                       12th      SRMC Lobby

19th      Kmart Lockhart Garden


March: Friday

12th      UVI

19th      SRMC Lobby


April: Friday

16th         SRMC Lobby


May: Friday

7th            Moe’s Fresh Market



 2020-2021 Influenza Season Schedule

St. John


October: Tuesday

20th      DeCastro Clinic

27th      DeCastro Clinic


November: Tuesday

10th         DeCastro Clinic

17th         DeCastro Clinic