Government of the Virgin Islands
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VI Department of Health Urges Precautions as Dengue Outbreak Hits St. Croix District

St. Croix, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The Virgin Islands Department of Health is urging residents to take precautions to prevent further transmission of dengue as the number of cases rise on St. Croix. “We are once again strongly urging residents to take steps now to prevent wider transmission,” said VI Health Commissioner Justa Encarnacion said […]

VI Department of Health Corrects Statement on Water Source at Hotel on the Cay

St. Croix, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The VI Department of Health is correcting a news release issued earlier today that stated Hotel on the Cay utilized solely cistern water and not potable water. VI Health Commissioner Justa Encarnacion contacted Chris Pardo, owner of the Hotel on the Cay, following the release. “On the contrary, Mr. Pardo […]

VI Department of Health Offices to Close Friday for Employee Appreciation Activities

U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – The VI Department of Health is advising the public that its offices and clinics teritorywide, will close on Friday, December 13, for employee appreciation activities and to recognize its 2024 retirees. The department will resume its normal operating hours on Monday, December 16. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.