Government of the Virgin Islands
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Vital Records and Statistics Office on St. Thomas Closed Today

St. Thomas, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS –The VI Department of Health advises the public that the Vital Records and Statistics Office in the St. Thomas-St. John District located at Knud Hansen will be closed today Friday, July 28, 2023, due to electrical issues. The Vital Records & Statistics Office will resume its regular operating schedule on

Morris De Castro Clinic on St. John Closed Today

St. John, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS –The VI Department of Health is informing the St. John community that the Morris de Castro Clinic on St. John is closed today due to a malfunctioning air conditioning unit. Repairs are underway. The department apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.

VI Department of Health to Host First-Ever Cancer Summit on St. Croix

St. Croix, U.S VIRGIN ISLANDS – The VI Department of Health’s Chronic Disease Division is hosting the Territory’s first-ever Cancer Summit, Tuesday and Wednesday (July 18 – 19), on St. Croix, bringing together local and federal government partners, community organizations, healthcare providers and advocates to collaborate on the development of a USVI Cancer Plan. The

Morris De Castro Clinic on St. John Closed Today

St. John, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS –The VI Department of Health is informing the St. John community that the Morris de Castro Clinic on St. John is closed today due to a malfunctioning air conditioning unit. Repairs are underway. The department apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused.

VI Department of Health Advisory on the St. Thomas Bovoni Landfill Fire

St. Thomas, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS – Today the Virgin Islands Fire and Emergency Medical Services issued an urgent community alert informing residents and businesses near the Bovoni Landfill about an ongoing fire incident that may potentially release hazardous smoke and airborne particles into the surrounding areas.  The VI Department of Health is further informing the surrounding