Government of the Virgin Islands
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Public Notice – Knud Hansen WIC Project

The Department of Planning and Natural Resources announces that pursuant to Virgin Islands Rules and Regulations, Title 12, Chapter 21, Section 904-9, an application for Federal Consistency Determination, CZT-09-22(FC), has been submitted by the Virgin Islands Department of Health. The Knud Hansen WIC Project proposes the complete demolition of the existing structure, followed by the […]

VIDOH Initiates Territorial Monkeypox Vaccination Program for At-Risk Populations

US Virgin Islands — The VI Department of Health (VIDOH) advised the public that as of Monday, August 22nd the VIDOH will be making Monkeypox vaccines available throughout the Territory, by appointment only, to the following at-risk populations: Persons who have been in intimate/close contact with someone who is confirmed to have Monkeypox within 2 […]

ST. CROIX PHONE NUMBER CORRECTION: Department of Health MCH Clinics Are Providing Childhood Immunizations and Pediatric COVID-19 Vaccines Throughout the Territory

St. Croix, US Virgin Islands — The VI Department of Health advises the public that the phone number to arrange appointments for pediatric COVID-19 vaccines and regular immunizations at the MCH Clinics on St. Croix is 340-244-0016. The VIDOH apologizes for any inconvenience the St. Croix public may have experienced. For the public’s convenience the […]


The Department of Planning and Natural Resources announces that pursuant to Virgin Islands Rules and Regulations, Title 12, Chapter 21, Section 904-9, an application for Federal Consistency Determination, CZX-5-22(FC), has been submitted by the Virgin Islands Department of Health. The project (FEMA Project: Public Assistance-PW-70645) proposes the complete demolition of the main building, annex building, […]